2014-11-22 The Richest: 15 of the Most Expensive Celebrity Body Parts

15. Adam Lambert – Vocal cords – $47 million
 photo TheRichest-bigstock-Adam-Lambert-at-the-Lovelace-58651544_zps25f1d3cc.jpg

Currently, the Internet is buzzing with rumors about Kim Kardashian’s backside. No, not the #BreaktheInternet stunt. It’s about the value of her rear. Some say that Kayne West got her to insure her booty asset for $21 million. Uncharitable wags say that KW is seeking to insure his voice, but no insurance company thinks it is worth as much as he does. A few years back, reports of the then reigning booty-queen, Jennifer Lopez insuring her backside for up to $300 million were denied by her camp.

Insuring celebrities’ body parts goes back to the early days of movies when cross-eyed silent film comedian, Ben Turpin insured against his eyes becoming uncrossed. In the 1940s, actress Bette Davis, prone to put on weight, was insured against an increase in her waistline. And World War II pin up, Bette Grable’s long limbs were insured for a cool $1 million.

Singers’ voices, legs, breasts and buttocks are the most commonly insured body parts. In Brazil, famed for its celebrities’ backsides, insuring buttocks is so common that they are called bumbum policies. But sometimes it gets weird and wonderful — like the rockers who insured their sperm or a tongue. Egon Ronay, the noted food critic, insured his taste buds for hundreds of thousands of dollars back in the 1960’s. Frankie Jakeman, a British male stripper, reportedly insured his penis for $1.6 million. Maybe the strangest tale involves a Thai transvestite entertainer named Poh, who insured breast implants against exploding on an international flight to the tune of $500,000. Here are 15 of the most expensive celebrity body parts.