2014-09-29 Queen Talks about New Europe/UK Tour with Adam Lambert


SOURCE: 24hod.sk


SOURCE: apelzin.ru
Queen и Адам Ламберт продолжат совместный тур в Европе
Юлия Бахмет - 29.09.2014 , 15:24

Источник: http://www.apelzin.ru/news/queen-adam-lambert-tour-2.html#ixzz3EkwkesUR

Queen и Адам Ламберт продолжат совместный тур в Европе
Юлия Бахмет - 29.09.2014 , 15:24

Adam Lambert Queen MTV Europe Music Awards 2011

3 октября стартуют продажи билетов на продолжение морового турне британской группы Queen, в качестве фронтмена которой выступает американец Адам Ламберт. Летом рокеры дали несколько выступлений в Канаде, США, Австралии, Новой Зеландии, Корее и Японии. А сегодня официально объявили, что тур, по «многочисленным просьбам» продолжится зимой.

В списке стран — Великобритания, Франция, Германия, Нидерланды, Австрия, Бельгия, Италия, Дания, Чехия и Швейцария. Европейская часть тура начнется 13 января в Ньюкасле, а завершится (по предварительным данным) 19 февраля в Цюрихе. Впрочем, как и в случае с летними концертами, ожидается, что возможно добавление новых дат и мест выступлений.

В настоящее время музыканты заняты собственными проектами: Адама Ламберт спешно дописывает третий сольный альбом, выход которого был назначен на 2014 год, а Брайан Мэй и Роджер Тейлор готовятся к релизу “Queen Forever” 10 ноября.

Чтобы быть в курсе последних событий в мире музыки и не пропустить новинки своих любимых артистов, подпишись на Apelzin.ru в социальных сетях ВКонтакте, Твиттер и Фейсбук.

Источник: http://www.apelzin.ru/news/queen-adam-lambert-tour-2.html#ixzz3EkwtA3VA

SOURCE: attitude.co.uk


Adam Lambert, Queen to bring joint tour to the UK next year

Posted On 29 Sep 2014 14:38
By : Josh Haigh

Adam Lambert and Queen have announced plans to bring their joint tour to the UK next year.

The seven-date tour will take place in January and include dates in Newcastle, Glasgow, London, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham and Nottingham.

Queen and Adam Lambert previously played three dates at London’s Hammersmith Apollo in 2012, but according to Lambert their stage show is now “more of a production” since they’ve taken it across North America, Australia and New Zealand and continental Europe.

“We’ve had a lot more cities to visit and so I think we all decided to build up the visuals and the stage accordingly, and of course we do all the hits,” said the American Idol singer in a press release.

“We have a very interesting set design. It’s big and daring. We’re going to do it to the max,” added Queen’s guitarist Brian May.

Tickets for the UK shows go on sale this Friday (October 3) at 9am. Check out the full list of dates below:

January 13 – Newcastle, Arena
January 14 – Glasgow, Hydro
January 17 – London, O2 Arena
January 20 – Leeds, Arena
January 21 – Manchester Arena
January 23 – Birmingham, NIA
January 24 – Nottingham Arena

Meanwhile, Lambert has recently revealed that he has signed to a new label for his forthcoming third album – find out more here.

SOURCE: BarleyArts.com


QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT annunciano un lungo tour europeo nel 2015 che li porterà anche in Italia per una data unica: martedì 10 febbraio al Mediolanum Forum di Assago (MI), biglietti disponibili dalle ore 11 di mercoledì 1 ottobre sul circuito Ticketone (www.ticketone.it) e nelle relative prevendite.

I Queen + Adam Lambert si preparano ad un tour europeo di sei settimane a partire da Gennaio, per quello che si preannuncia come uno degli appuntamenti più attesi del prossimo anno.

Dopo aver intrapreso un tour mondiale sold out che li ha portati in Nord America, Australia e Nuova Zelanda con tappe in festival all’aperto in Corea e Giappone, i Queen + Adam Lambert non si risparmiano per proporre in tutto il mondo il sodalizio tanto acclamato dalla critica.

Due anni dopo le date europee di May, Taylor e Lambert, questo tour più articolato vedrà i Queen + Adam Lambert impegnati in una serie di 21 show in 10 paesi. Il tour si aprirà alla Newcastle Arena il 13 gennaio, per poi continuare per sette appuntamenti in Gran Bretagna, inclusa una data alla O2 Arena di Londra. Il tour proseguirà poi in Francia, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Austria, Belgio, Italia, Danimarca e Repubblica Ceca e si concluderà all’Hallenstadion di Zurigo il 19 febbraio.

L’apertura delle prevendite dei biglietti per la data italiana (martedì 10 febbraio al Mediolanum Forum di Assago) è prevista per le ore 11 di mercoledì 1 ottobre. I biglietti saranno disponibili sul circuito Ticketone (www.ticketone.it) e relative prevendite.

Si prevede che l’annuncio del nuovo tour scatenerà una corsa all’acquisto dei biglietti da parte dei fan, come già successo per le 24 date del tour USA, andate sold out in tempo record. I Queen e Adam Lambert non hanno deluso le aspettative di fan e critica, e hanno ottenuto review lusinghiere come:

I Queen e Adam Lambert si sono incontrati per la prima e volta nel 2009, quando si sono esibiti insieme nell’inno rock della band “We Are The Champions” durante la finale dell’ottava stagione di “American Idol”. Lambert e I Queen si sono ritrovati sullo stesso palco agli MTV European Music Awards del 2011 a Belfast. Nell’estate del 2012 la band e il giovane rocker hanno tenuto una prima serie di concerti insieme, di cui tre sold out all’Hammersmith Apollo di Londra, oltre alla partecipazioni a vari concerti in Russia, Ucraina e Polonia.

Un’ulteriore performance all’iHeartRadio Music Festival di Las Vegas lo scorso settembre ha fatto nascere l’idea di Adam, Roger e Brian di portare in tour lo show. La rivista “Hollywood Reporter” in quest’occasione ha scritto: “Adam Lambert e i Queen hanno lasciato l’iHeart senza fiato. Col suo perfetto mix di attitudine rock, stile, teatralità, sex appeal e doti vocali, [Lambert] ha portato la musica della band ad un altro livello.”

Ora la combinazione vincente di Queen + Adam Lambert prosegue il suo percorso con quello che sarà sicuramente un tour trionfale. Lambert inoltre tiene molto ad avvisare il pubblico che ci saranno grosse novità nello show.

“Da un punto di vista tecnico, a differenza di due anni fa si tratta di una produzione più completa,” dice il cantante. “Dovremo visitare molte altre città e questo ci ha portati a decidere insieme di progettare dei visual e un palco particolare”. “Il nostro set ha un design molto particolare,” dice Brian May. “È grande e molto audace. Spingeremo tutto al massimo”, continua il chitarrista. “Ogni volta che abbiamo suonato la nostra musica con Adam, lui si è dimostrato un frontman incredibile,” sostiene Roger Taylor. “È sensazionale. Ha un’estensione sorprendente, e riesce ad eguagliare quella di Freddie. È un cantante strardinario e un vero talento. Sento che si adatta perfettamente alla nostra teatralità, è proprio a suo agio”.

Per quanto riguarda il futuro, sembra che la partnership Queen + Adam Lambert sia destinata, almeno per il momento, a limitarsi alle loro collaborazioni live. Lambert è attualmente impegnato nella lavorazione del suo terzo album. May e Taylor si stanno preparando all’uscita di “Queen Forever”, una nuova raccolta che include materiale finora inedito registrato con Freddie Mercury, che uscirà il prossimo 10 novembre.

Durante la loro lunga carriera, i Queen hanno accumulato uno sbalorditivo elenco di premi e introduzioni in varie Hall Of Fame, e in questo non sono secondi a nessuno. Vendite record nell’ordine di centinaia di milioni, oltre a una lista di album e singoli in vetta alle classifiche, continuano a far posizionare i Queen nella top ten delle vendite iTunes di tutti I tempi. All’inizio del 2014 la band è stata riconosciuta come la prima in assoluto a vendere oltre 6 milioni di copie di un album in UK col loro “Greatest Hits”, battendo “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” dei Beatles di quasi un milione di copie: si calcola che in Gran Bretagna una famiglia su tre possieda una copia di questa compilation.

Le grandiose performance di Adam Lambert durante l’ottava stagione di “American Idol” sono annoverate tra i momenti migliori nella storia dello show. Il suo album di debutto “For Your Entertainment” gli è valso una nomination ai Grammy Awards nella categoria “Best Male Pop Vocal Performance”. Il suo secondo album, “Trespassing”, ha esordito al numero 1 delle classifiche Billboard. Il tour che ne è seguito ha portato Lambert dall’Australia al Sudafrica, attraverso Asia ed Est Europa ed è culminato nel sold out di Helsinki. Nel 2013, Lambert è apparso come guest star nella fortunata serie tv “Glee”. Sta attualmente completando il suo terzo album.


Mar 13 Gennaio NEWCASTLE Arena

Mer 14 Gennaio GLASGOW Hydro

Sab 17 Gennaio LONDON O2 Arena

Mar 20 Gennaio LEEDS Arena

Mer 21 Gennaio MANCHESTER Arena


Sab 24 Gennaio NOTTINGHAM Arena

Lun 26 Gennaio PARIS Zenith

Gio 29 Gennaio COLOGNE Lanxess Arena

Ven 30 Gennaio AMSTERDAM, Ziggo Dome

Dom 1 Febbraio VIENNA Stadhalle

Lun 2 Febbraio MUNICH Olympiahalle

Mer 4 Febbraio BERLIN O2

Gio 5 Febbraio HAMBURG O2

Sab 7 Febbraio FRANKFURT Festhalle

Dom 8 Febbraio BRUSSELS Palais 12

Mar 10 Febbraio ASSAGO (MI) Mediolanum Forum

Ven 13 Febbraio STUTTGART Schleyerhalle

Dom 15 Febbraio HERNING Jyske Bank Boxen

Mar 17 Febbraio PRAGUE O2

Gio 19 Febbraio ZURICH Hallenstadion




Martedì 10 Febbraio 2015
Assago (MI), Mediolanum Forum

Apertura porte ore 18.45
Inizio concerto ore 21.00

Tribuna A posto numerato: € 95,00 + prev
Tribuna Gold numerata: € 85,00 + prev
Primo anello numerato Settore B: € 75,00 + prev
Parterre posto unico in piedi: € 60,00 + prev
Secondo anello numerato Settore C: € 55,00 + prev
Disponibili pacchetti VIP Experience

Biglietti disponibili dalle ore 11 di mercoledì 1 ottobre sul circuito Ticketone (www.ticketone.it) e nelle relative prevendite.

SOURCE: bel7infos.eu

QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT le 26 janvier 2015 au Zénith de Paris !

Par Gael7 – 29 septembre 2014
Classé dans : Concerts, Drouot Productions, Hard Rock


Queen et Adam Lambert seront en concert exceptionnel le 26 janvier au Zénith de Paris !Inutile de présenter Queen : des millions d’albums vendus à travers le monde, des tubes planétaires comme Bohemian Rapshody et We Will Rock You pour ne citer qu’eux. On parle ici d’une véritable légende du rock britannique. Le groupe aux innombrables disques d’or et de platine est enfin de retour sur scène, accompagné d’Adam Lambert.

Ce jeune artiste s’est fait remarquer grâce au télé-crochet American Idol en 2006. Il s’est associé à Queen 3 ans plus tard lors de la finale de l’émission, puis aux MTV European Music Awards. C’est en 2012 que Brian May et Roger Taylor décident d’organiser une tournée de Queen en compagnie du jeune Adam au chant. Et on peut dire qu’ils ont fait le bon choix ! Le Hollywood Reporter en est convaincu : « Avec ce mélange parfait d’attitude rock, de style, de théâtralité, de sex appeal et d’impressionnantes figures vocales, Lambert apporte un vrai plus à la musique du groupe. »

« C’est grand et osé. On va pousser ça au maximum », Brian May.

« À chaque fois que l’on travaille nos morceaux avec Adam, il se révèle être un incroyable frontman », Roger Taylor.

Un évènement à ne pas manquer pour bien commencer l’année 2015 ! Rendez-vous au Zénith de Paris le 26 janvier prochain !


SOURCE: chroniclelive.co.uk

Usher, Queen and Adam Lambert announce shows at the Metro Radio Arena

    Sep 29, 2014 10:00
    By Gordon Barr

American Idol's Adam Lambert will team up with Queen while Usher is also heading out on the road again

 Adam Lambert, right, performs alongside Brian May of Queen
Two major gigs have been announced for the Metro Radio Arena.

Queen and Adam Lambert are joining forces for a UK tour, while Usher is also hitting the road again.

Usher was first off the mark to announce his show for March 18 next year, with tickets on general sale from Friday.

Meanwhile Queen and Adam Lambert will be at the venue on January 13, 2015, with tickets also on general sale from Friday.

“We are delighted to welcome Queen back following a six year absence and with an incredible new front man in American Idol’s Adam Lambert this is royally going to kick off 2015 in style,” said Arena general manager Paul Tappenden.

Having only earlier this month wound down a sold out world tour taking in North America, Australia, New Zealand, and outdoor festival stops in Korea and Japan, Queen and Adam Lambert are sparing no time in taking their critically-hailed partnership back on the road.

Coming two years after May, Taylor and Lambert last performed a short tour together of the UK and Europe, this lengthier outing will see them perform 21 shows in 10 countries.

The band’s tour opens at the Metro Radio Arena and reaction to the dates is expected to equal that seen at the announcement of their US shows where an on-sale rush for tickets saw the band sell out 24 dates in record time. Queen and Lambert matched the expectations, winning glowing reviews from fans and critics alike:

Queen first teamed up with Adam Lambert in 2009 to perform the band’s rock anthem We Are the Champions on American Idol’s season eight finale. They partnered again in 2011 at the MTV European Music Awards in Belfast. In the summer of 2012 they performed their first live concerts together with three sold-out shows in the UK at London’s Hammersmith Apollo as well as concert appearances in Russia, Ukraine and Poland.

“On the technical side, it’s definitely more of a production than two years ago,” says Lambert. “We’ve had a lot more cities to visit and so I think we all decided to build up the visuals and the stage accordingly, and of course we do all the hits.”

Brian May adds: “We have a very interesting set design. It’s big and daring. We’re going to do it to the max.”

Roger Taylor continues: “Each time we’ve worked with Adam with our music, he’s just the most incredible front man. He’s sensational. He has this amazing range, Freddie had a great range. Adam can really cover it. He’s an extraordinary singer and a real talent. I feel he fits into our sort of theatricality. It is very comfortable.”

It would seem the Queen and Adam Lambert partnership is likely, for now, to remain limited to their live collaborations. Lambert is currently in the final stages of writing and recording his third album. May and Taylor are getting ready their forthcoming album, Queen Forever, a new compilation set which includes previously unreleased material recorded with Freddie Mercury, released November 10.

SOURCE: rtbf.be/classic21

Queen au Palais 12 en février
 29 septembre 2014, 11:19 | Classic 21

Queen et Adam Lambert annoncent une grande tournée européenne début 2015 et un passage par la Belgique le 8 février prochain!

 Queen au Palais 12 en février - Tous droits réservés ©

La rencontre de Queen et d’Adam Lambert remonte à 2009 quand le groupe est venu jouer avec lui son hymne "We Are the Champions" lors de la finale de l’émission de télé US "American Idol".

Adam Lambert et Queen se sont à nouveau retrouvés en 2011 aux MTV European Music Awards à Belfast avant de donner leurs premiers concerts en 2012 avec trois shows sold-out à Londres, puis des concerts en Russie, en Ukraine et en Pologne.

C’est après une performance exceptionnelle au IHeartRadio Music Festival à Las Vegas que Roger Taylor, Brian May et Adam Lambert ont décidé d’emmener le show en tournée. QUEEN & ADAM LAMBERT proposeront tous les hits du groupe avec pour fond visuel une exceptionnelle production scénique.

Brian May et Roger Taylor ne tarissent pas d’éloges pour Adam Lambert : "Adam s’est révélé un incroyable showman en interprétant notre musique" Roger Taylor dit aussi "Il est sensationnel et possède une étonnante tessiture. Freddy possédait un très grand registre vocal et Adam peut vraiment couvrir le même. C’est un chanteur extraordinaire et un vrai talent. Il s’impose naturellement dans notre théâtralité. C’est très rassurant.”

Après cette tournée Adam Lambert terminera d’enregistrer son troisième album. Brian May et Roger Taylor vont de leur côté sortir une nouvelle compilation "Queen Forever" qui comprendra des inédits avec Freddie Mercury.

SOURCE: classicrock.teamrock.com

Queen and Lambert confirm UK tour

29/09/2014 ~ by Stef Lach

Queen have confirmed they will play seven UK arena dates next year with Adam Lambert on vocals.

The shows are part of a wider European tour and start in Newcastle on January 13.

Guitarist Brian May says: "We have a very interesting set design. It's big and daring. We're going to do it to the max."

Lambert, who appeared on TV show American Idol, has been on a North American tour with Queen this year. On the singer, drummer Roger Taylor says: "Each time we've worked with Adam with our music, he's just the most incredible frontman. He's sensational. He has this amazing range, because Freddie had a great range. Adam can really cover it."

Queen will release new album Queen Forever on November 10, featuring three previously unreleased Freddie Mercury tracks.

Queen With Adam Lambert 2015 UK tour

    Jan 13: Newcastle Metro Radio Arena
    Jan 14: Glasgow Hydro
    Jan 17: London O2 Arena
    Jan 20: Leeds First Direct Arena
    Jan 21: Manchester Phones 4U Arena
    Jan 23: Birmingham NIA
    Jan 24: Nottingham Capital FM Arena

SOURCE: c-lebrity.ru

Queen и Адам Ламберт едут в тур по Европе
By Редакция C-Lebrity on Сентябрь 29, 2014

Последний раз музыканты выступали в Европе в 2012 году.

Новые гастроли начнутся уже в январе. Первый концерт пройдет в английском Ньюкасле 13 числа. После английской части тура, рокеры поедут в Германию, Францию, Нидерланды, Австрию, Чехию, Италию, Данию, Бельгию и Швейцарию. Российских дат пока нет.

В этом году Ламберт и Queen с успехом гастролировали по США, Азии и Австралии.

SOURCE: ClickMusic.com

Rumours have been flying around for months, but now we have official confirmation. Adam Lambert and Queen are bringing their sell-out tour to Europe and the United Kingdom for 21-dates.

Queen and their new frontman will kick off their massive tour in Newcastle before heading up to Glasgow and back down to London. They'll also hit Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham before finishing their UK tour in Nottingham. They'll then take their tour to Paris, Cologne and Amsterdam throughout January.

February will see them start in Vienna and hit venues in Munich, Prague, Stuttgart and Brussels before finishing their run in Zurich.

If the rumours are true, there might be more good news about future Queen and Adam Lambert projects to come. But nothing has been confirmed yet.

Tickets go on sale on October 3. So the only question left is this: how many times will you be seeing them?
Read more at http://www.clickmusic.com/news/article/queen-and-adam-lambert-confirm-massive-uk-european-tour-for-2015#OSr6yESwQ0PGPrgp.99

SOURCE: ConcertLive.fr

Queen et Adam Lambert en concert unique en France
en janvier 2015 au Zénith de Paris

Monstre sacré du rock des années 70, Queen connaît une seconde jeunesse avec Adam Lambert. Ce jeune artiste issu de la télé réalité américaine a repris le flambeau de leur mythique chanteur Freddie Mercury. Après une tournée à succès, la formation s'apprête à jouer en Europe et sera au Zénith de Paris le 26 janvier 2015.
En savoir plus


SOURCE: ContactMusic.com


Queen and Adam Lambert Announce 2015 European Arena Tour
by Stephanie Chase | 29 September 2014

The band will play 21 dates including seven UK shows.

Queen and Adam Lambert will be hitting the road next year, playing a massive 21 date arena tour across Europe. The shows mark the first time the band and singer have played together in Europe since a six date tour in 2012

Beginning in the UK at Newcastle Arena on January 13, the band will then play a total of seven shows across the UK including London's O2 Arena. They’ll then move on to France before hitting Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Czech Republic and ending on February 19th at Zurich's Hallenstadion.

Tickets for all shows are on sale from 9.00am Friday, 3rd October, with the exception of Germany where sales begin the following day, Saturday October 4.

More: Queen, Adam Lambert Blast Off With Bombastic Tour Opener

Queen began their partnership with Adam Lambert in 2009 when they performed ‘We Are the Champions’ together on ’American Idol’s' season's eight finale. They then partnered again in 2011 at the MTV European Music Awards before playing their first live concerts together the following summer.

This year the band embarked on an extensive North American tour before finishing earlier this month with dates in Australia and New Zealand.

Speaking about the band’s partnership with Lambert, drummer Roger Taylor said, "Each time we've worked with Adam with our music, he's just the most incredible front man.” "He's sensational. He has this amazing range, 'cause Freddie had a great range. Adam can really cover it. He's an extraordinary singer and a real talent. I feel he fits into our sort of theatricality. It is very comfortable,” he added.

Aside from his work with the band Lambert is currently in the final stages of writing and recording his third album. Queen too have a new record on the horizon, they are about to release Queen Forever, a compilation which includes previously unreleased material recorded with Freddie Mercury. The album is due out on November 10th.

SOURCE: derstandard.at

Februar 2015: Queen kommen für Konzert nach Wien
29. September 2014, 11:26
Konzert mit Gastsänger Adam Lambert am 1. Februar in der Stadthalle - Europatournee startet am 13. Jänner in Newcastle

Wien - Einmal geht's noch: Die britische Rockgruppe Queen kommt am 1. Februar in die Wiener Stadthalle, wie auf www.queenonline.com bekannt gegeben wurde. Als Gastsänger wird "American Idol"-Teilnehmer Adam Lambert zu sehen sein. Obwohl sich keinerlei Hinweise in der Ankündigung finden, kann man wohl vom Ende der Live-Ära einer der größten Bands der 1980er Jahre ausgehen.

Bereits diesen Sommer füllten die verbliebenen Bandmitglieder Brian May und Roger Taylor in Nordamerika, Australien, Neuseeland, Südkorea und Japan bei insgesamt 35 Auftritten die Hallen, mancherorts wurden aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage sogar Zusatztermine eingeschoben. Die Europa-Tournee startet am 13. Jänner in Newcastle und umfasst derzeit 21 Termine in zehn Ländern.

Zu erleben sein wird neben einem Best-Of der selbst ernannten "Champions" auch die eine oder andere akustische Überraschung. Mit im Gepäck haben die Rockveteranen nämlich dann ihr aktuelles Album "Queen Forever", das am 10. November erscheinen soll und neben einer Zusammenstellung teils eher ungeläufiger Songs ihres Gesamtkatalogs auch neues bzw. neu überarbeitetes Material enthält. (APA, 29.9.2014)

SOURCE:  DigitalSpy.com

By Lewis Corner
Monday, Sep 29 2014, 5:37am EDT

The new shows will start at Newcastle Arena on January 13 and finish at Nottingham Arena on January 24.

The tour includes a headline set at London's O2 Arena on January 17.

"On the technical side, it's definitely more of a production than two years ago," Lambert said of the changes to the show.

"We've had a lot more cities to visit and so I think we all decided to build up the visuals and the stage accordingly, and of course we do all the hits."

Read more: http://www.digitalspy.com/music/news/a599749/queen-and-adam-lambert-announce-uk-shows.html#~oRj9aghmW5rykx#ixzz3ElJ3CIcp

SOURCE: elecgtropiknik.cz

 Queen a Adam Lambert se představí 17/2 2015 v pražské 02 aréně!
Přidal janicka    do KONCERTY A FESTIVALY    dne Září 29, 2014

Queen a Adam Lambert se na základě nedávných vyprodaných vystoupení v rámci světového turné varcejí koncertovat do Evropy. V České republice se v tomto složení představí poprvé! Queen a Adam Lambert Evropě odehrají 22 koncertů

May, Taylor a Lambert se do Evropy vracejí po dvou letech od svého posledního kratšího turné. Čeká je 21 koncertů v 10 evropských státech, turné začne ve Velké Británii a kromě České republiky navštíví mimo jiné i Francii, Nizozemsko, Rakousko, Belgii, Itálii a Dánsko, zakončeno pak bude ve švýcarském Curychu.

Reakce na oznámená data se dají očekávat obdobné jako na oznámení amerického turné, kdy kapela vyprodala 24 koncertů v rekordním čase. Queen a Lambert bohatě splnili očekávání a na svá vystoupení obdrželi vřelé recenze od fanoušků i kritiky: „Zaručeně vás rozsekají – jako v Killer Queen“. (Entertainment Weekly) „Dostali jsme Rock You, Queen jsou pořád Champions, a Lambertův hlas má tak skvělou kvalifi kaci, že tahle jejich hudba bude žít i pro  další generaci fanoušků“. (VH1)

 “Omlazení Queen vládnou svrchovaně. Klaňte se, fanoušci!Vaše nová královna stojí za vaši lásku a oddanost”. (Edmonton Journal, Canada)


SOURCE: entertainment-focus.com


Home » Music Section » Music News » Queen + Adam Lambert announce UK & Europe dates

Queen + Adam Lambert announce UK & Europe dates

Posted on September 29, 2014 By Pip Ellwood Music News, Top Story
- See more at: http://www.entertainment-focus.com/music-section/music-news/queen-adam-lambert-announce-uk-europe-dates/#sthash.KLout2b7.dpuf

Queen + Adam Lambert have confirmed that they will be bringing their critically-acclaimed tour to the UK and Europe in early 2015.

Following their recent shows in the the US, Australia and New Zealand, Queen + Adam Lambert will return to the UK in January to play 7 shows before heading over to Europe. The last time Queen + Adam Lambert performed in the UK was two years ago.

Talking about what fans can expect, Lambert says, “On the technical side, it’s definitely more of a production than two years ago,” he says. “We’ve had a lot more cities to visit and so I think we all decided to build up the visuals and the stage accordingly, and of course we do all the hits.”

“We have a very interesting set design,” says Brian May. “It’s big and daring. We’re going to do it to the max.” he says. “Each time we’ve worked with Adam with our music, he’s just the most incredible front man,” Roger Taylor says. “He’s sensational. He has this amazing range, ’cause Freddie had a great range. Adam can really cover it. He’s an extraordinary singer and a real talent. I feel he fits into our sort of theatricality. It is very comfortable.”

Tickets for the UK shows go on-sale on Friday at 9am and the Europe dates go on-sale on Saturday.
- See more at: http://www.entertainment-focus.com/music-section/music-news/queen-adam-lambert-announce-uk-europe-dates/#sthash.KLout2b7.dpuf


SOURCE:  GigWise.com


9 reasons to go and see Queen and Adam Lambert on tour

As if you really needed persuading

Monday 29th September 2014 by Alexandra Pollard

This morning, Queen and Adam Lambert revealed that they'll finally be returning to the UK for a series of tour dates in January. 

If you're a Queen fan, it's unlikely you really need to be convinced - but there is a chance you're harbouring one of two reservations: 1) Aren't Brian May and Roger Taylor a bit, well, old? 2) How is that bloke off of American Idol ever going to ever fill the shoes of Freddie Mercury?

Like your musical guardian angels, we're here to put your mind at rest. Here are 8 reasons why, even though they're not the same band they were 40 years ago, you should still make a trip to see Queen's spectacular live show with Adam Lambert.

Adam Lambert: Let's start by addressing the leather-clad elephant in the room - Adam Lambert is not Freddie Mercury. Nor, thankfully, is he pretending to be. In his tenure as Queen's frontman, Lambert has gone all out to capture the spirit of Mercury's flamboyance, energy and powerful voice, without ever becoming an impersonator.

Nostalgia: During their gigs earlier this year, 'Bohemian Rhapsody' was preceded by video footage of the band's younger selves performing the operatic section, and in an unforgettable finale, Adam Lambert duetted with Freddie Mercury using stock recordings.

Taylor and May proving their ongoing stamina: We hate the industry's fixation on age, we really do, but at 65 and 67 respectively, Roger Taylor and Brian May would be forgiven for taking it a bit easy during extensive tours. Nope. Instead, Taylor performs drum solos with an ageless energy, and May struts the stage as well as he always did.

The visual spectacle: Including, but by no means limited to, rainbow stage lights, lazers, gold glitter showers and a floating drum riser.

Little-known numbers: Of course the setlist reads like a dream, but they'll also be throwing some welcome curveballs into the mix. Recently they've performed a re-imagined version of Mercury's 1984 solo song 'Love Kills', as well as 'Dragon Attack' and '39'.

Outfit changes galore: If you're worried a Queen gig sans Mercury might be lacking the glitzy campness of his stage persona, then you'll be happy to know that Lambert has at least eight costume changes during his shows, and May wears a gold cape.

Guest stars: We can't guarantee this of course, but Lady Gaga turned up during a recent show to lend her vocals to 'Another One Bites The Dust'. Such is Queen's enormous and far-reaching influence, they could ask pretty much anyone to come on stage with them, and they'd probably say yes.

New music: The tour is in support of Queen Forever, a compilation album which includes unreleased material recorded with Freddie Mercury. Expect to hear some of this new music showcased, either via a re-imagined Adam Lambert offering, or using Mercury's own vocals in a live setting. Either way, it'll be one to remember.